Sunday, August 10, 2008

Time Passes Too Quickly for This Baby Boomer Woman!

Happy Sunday Everyone!!

I can't believe that it is already August 9th. To me that signals that I will be heading back to my full time teaching job soon....3 weeks and counting! It also means that it 3 days I will be sending off my youngest to college for the first time. My daughter, my baby, will be making her own transition and I am again facing another....I will be an empty nester! It is so bitter sweet. This is what I have been preparing her for, so why does it feel so sad?

Our living room is filled with boxes of snacks, water, new linens, toiletries, and office supplies. It is all there waiting to be loaded into the van Tuesday night. The washer and dryer have been going non stop as she squeezes in loads of laundry in between her last days of work and visits with her friends. Tonight, all of her close circle will gather here for one last sleepover; one last time for them to be together before they all go their separate ways; one last time for me to watch and listen to all of the laughter and excitement of being young.

Where has the time gone? The little girl is gone, and is now a beautiful young woman. Time has passed too least for me!

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