Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Morning News Just for Us - Baby Boomers That Is!

Happy Labor Day weekend to my fellow laboring baby boomers! This holiday, started about a hundred years ago, was put into place to honor the working man. It is now the signal for one last trip to the beach, final barbeques, and the beginning of school. I used to joke that I went into a state of mourning because I would be giving up my carefree days to return to teaching. I still lament because, although I love teaching, I sure do hate getting up early!

So what happened this week that is interesting?
  • Well, we can't overlook the selection of Sarah Palin. So much talk has been made of the "glass ceiling." I guess we will have to see just how far she can go. Whatever your political beliefs, there is no denying that her selection made for more excitement in this year's campaign.
  • Women and baby boomers are becoming a driving force in video gaming. Who would think?? A new report from IBIS World claims that 38% of gamers in the US are women and 24% of them are over 50! What are your favorites? Click Here to read more....
  • Perimenopause, the years leading up to the actual stopping of menses, which is menopause, can last from a few months to several years. Think this is where you are? Click Here to read more about signs and symptoms.
  • How do you feel about yoga? A study from India is offering compelling evidence that yoga eases the physical and emotional symptoms associated with menopause. The women tracked in the study showed significant improvement with their hot flashes, concentration and memory. Click Here to read more.......
  • Women are the primary financiers in many households, but a recent survey conducted by Prudential showed that although we are clear about our financial priorities, we experience what they call a "confidence gap." Click Here to read about "5 Simple Steps to Boost Your Financial Confidence."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen!

I saw your post on LWL and wanted to check out your blog and post a comment.

Blogs are such a great marketing tool and I just recently started mine. Please feel free to visit at

I will spend a bit more time on your blog to see what you are up to!

I worked as a school psychologist for 5 years and know what you mean about the summer ending and having some sadness around that. However, just the smell of fall brings back the wonder and excitement of a new school year with all of its possibilities!

What do you teach?

Have a great school year!

Sheila Mikulin, M.A.
216 932 6012