Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Morning News Just for Us - Baby Boomers That Is!

Happy Labor Day weekend to my fellow laboring baby boomers! This holiday, started about a hundred years ago, was put into place to honor the working man. It is now the signal for one last trip to the beach, final barbeques, and the beginning of school. I used to joke that I went into a state of mourning because I would be giving up my carefree days to return to teaching. I still lament because, although I love teaching, I sure do hate getting up early!

So what happened this week that is interesting?
  • Well, we can't overlook the selection of Sarah Palin. So much talk has been made of the "glass ceiling." I guess we will have to see just how far she can go. Whatever your political beliefs, there is no denying that her selection made for more excitement in this year's campaign.
  • Women and baby boomers are becoming a driving force in video gaming. Who would think?? A new report from IBIS World claims that 38% of gamers in the US are women and 24% of them are over 50! What are your favorites? Click Here to read more....
  • Perimenopause, the years leading up to the actual stopping of menses, which is menopause, can last from a few months to several years. Think this is where you are? Click Here to read more about signs and symptoms.
  • How do you feel about yoga? A study from India is offering compelling evidence that yoga eases the physical and emotional symptoms associated with menopause. The women tracked in the study showed significant improvement with their hot flashes, concentration and memory. Click Here to read more.......
  • Women are the primary financiers in many households, but a recent survey conducted by Prudential showed that although we are clear about our financial priorities, we experience what they call a "confidence gap." Click Here to read about "5 Simple Steps to Boost Your Financial Confidence."

Friday, August 29, 2008

WOW! McCain Surprises Everyone

Last night as my husband and I watched the final night of the Democratic National Convention, I commented that I really felt McCain was up for a large challenge when facing Obama because of his promise of change; something our country yearns for. I was questioning what McCain could possibly do to jump start and electrify his campaign. I think we all received his answer this morning.

Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska and mother of five, has certainly put the spark back into McCain's campaign, and I must admit, has had me rivoted to my TV this morning as I am working. I was losing interest in this election. I really felt it was more of the same. Even last night as I watched Obama, who I think is a fabulous orator, I was not moved in his direction. There is a reason why I am undecided, but this morning I am at least excited again about this election. My mind is already reeling with the pros and cons, but I am eager to learn more about this woman and what she may possibly bring to the McCain ticket and to our country.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered?

Much discussion has been generated this week over the idea of dropping the drinking age to 18. The Amethyst Initiative is made up of university chancellors and presidents who believe that the current age of 21 encourages binge drinking on college campuses.

I have both an 18 year old college freshman and a 21 year old college senior. My kids were not high school drinkers. I do know that my son drank off campus when he entered college....not something I supported but actively denounced. I hold my breath regarding my daughter. They know my position, but the reality is there is little we can do as parents once they are there. I have to admit, that my initial reaction is no. I need to do more reading about the subject and data that both supports and refutes the idea.

Amethyst Initiative has a website where they promote their position and provide research which supports their position. If you are interested in visiting the site you can click here. What are your thoughts?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday Morning News Just for Us - Baby Boomer's That Is!

OK......I know it's not the morning, but my day got away from me today. However, my little fingers have been clicking the keys and searching the internet for the latest news and stories of interest, so here goes.....

  • Is it a myth that menopause puts a damper on libido? True, woman suffer from a host of uncomfortable symptoms including hotflashes and night sweats, but a recent survey dispels this myth and eases women's concerns regarding hormonal changes and changes in their sex life. Click here to read more and you can be the judge.
  • Osteoporosis, which means porous bone, is a natural process that accelerates during menopause due to the decrease in the production of estrogen. It is often referred to as the silent disease because we can't see it nor feel its effects unless it is brought to our attention because of a broken bone. According to an article in the Times-Picayune, "almost 80 percent of the 661 people (older than 45) recently surveyed by the National Osteoporosis Foundation said they didn't think that the disease was a risk factor for broken bones, and 60 percent of women and 90 percent of men had not discussed their osteoporosis risk with their doctors." Click here to read more.....
  • This week's topic at my other blog, Not Fit to Pick is the relationship between mothers and daughters. Although Not Fit to Pick usually deals with romantic relationships, this week's topic is inspired by my reflections after sending my last child, my daughter off to her freshman year in college. Click here to read more......
  • Taking care of aging parents is something that many of my friends are dealing with right now. If you find yourself in this position, you will want to check out the Baby Boomers Retirement Club. This organization provides solutions for boomers caring for aging parents including online forums, senior care service locators, a senior and over 55 community search, and free pharmacy prescription cards. Click here to read more....
  • Job hunting baby boomers face new challenges and they need to step up to the challenge. Bob Moos, from the Dallas Morning News takes a look at what boomers need to do to "brush up on modern ways to find work, interview and even update their image." Click here to read more....
  • Lunar Radiance has introduced a new wicking nightgown to their wicking sleepwear line to help you fight those nasty night sweats! You can "Slumber in Sleeveless," pictured above, with this newest nightgown made by Wildbleu. Sale price is $45.99.

Have a great week everyone.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Time Passes Too Quickly for This Baby Boomer Woman!

Happy Sunday Everyone!!

I can't believe that it is already August 9th. To me that signals that I will be heading back to my full time teaching job soon....3 weeks and counting! It also means that it 3 days I will be sending off my youngest to college for the first time. My daughter, my baby, will be making her own transition and I am again facing another....I will be an empty nester! It is so bitter sweet. This is what I have been preparing her for, so why does it feel so sad?

Our living room is filled with boxes of snacks, water, new linens, toiletries, and office supplies. It is all there waiting to be loaded into the van Tuesday night. The washer and dryer have been going non stop as she squeezes in loads of laundry in between her last days of work and visits with her friends. Tonight, all of her close circle will gather here for one last sleepover; one last time for them to be together before they all go their separate ways; one last time for me to watch and listen to all of the laughter and excitement of being young.

Where has the time gone? The little girl is gone, and is now a beautiful young woman. Time has passed too least for me!

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Friendly Approach to Quitting Smoking

I always like to bring you new topics and products that I think will enhance your life. Quitting smoking is something I have been wrestling with for years. I know it is something that I have to do for obvious reasons, but I have tried in the past and failed. I have set a quit date for myself of September 3rd....the date is rapidly approaching and I am nervous. In my research for tips and techniques I have found what I consider to be a friendly, practical approach by Dr. Sally Witt.

Dr. Sally, as she is know, is a Breakthrough Coach, and hypnotherapist who has a Ph.D. in Spiritual Counseling. Because the habit of smoking is not only a physical addiction, but a psychological one as well, Dr. Sally addresses the psychological area through a series of videos focusing on hypnosis, EFT (emotional freedom techniques) and NLP (neurolinguistic programming).

This is a new launch for her, so I have not received mine yet, but I am anxious and hopeful. I have spent hundreds of dollars in the past on patches and gum, so for me to invest $97 in my health seems like a great deal. And.....since I spend $6/day on cigarettes I figure I will recoup my money within 3 weeks.

If you are interested in reading more just click the link Stop Smoking With Dr Sally. There is a full explanation of the program. Here's to good health!!

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pajama Lady Appears on Growing Bolder Radio

Last week, I had the pleasure of being a guest on Growing Bolder radio (CLICK HERE to listen to my interview) to talk about my wicking sleepwear company, Lunar Radiance. For those of you who haven't heard about Growing Bolder, a leading website catering to the issues of baby boomers, here is how they describe themselves.
  • "Unlike other sites, we're not here to convince you that the best is yet to come. You already know that. We're here to tell the stories of those who are leading by example. We believe that's all the convincing anyone will need. Unlike other active lifestyle communities, you don't have to be 50+ to hang with us. What fun is that? We're building an intergenerational community that's a reflection of the society we envision -- one of inclusion. That's why our site is not about age. It's about attitude; an attitude that's as powerful at 20 as it is at 60. So plug in. Get connected. In our community, you have the power."

Growing Bolder has forums, blogs, radio, tv and so much more. It is like one stop shopping for baby boomers. I was thrilled to be asked to interview with them and I totally enjoyed it! Pay a visit to their won't be disappointed.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday Morning News Just for Us (Boomers That Is!)

Happy Sunday Everyone! I thought I would do something that I haven't done in a while and scour the net this morning for some interesting baby boomer seems like it has been forever since I've done this, so here goes.....
  • This week's topic over at Not Fit to Pick is "Romance in the Workplace." It is becoming more common for people to find love at work. After all, they work closely together, have tons in common and spend a lot of time together. Sometimes it works, but what happens when it doesn't? Have you or someone you know had this experience? How did it turn out? What lessons were learned? Click here to read more!
  • Have you thought of trying hypnosis to treat your menopausal symptoms? The subconscious mind is a powerful thing. It has been reported that people under hypnosis have even undergone surgery without anesthesia. So, how about using it to alleviate the physical symptoms of menopause. Curious? Click here to read more.
  • Vision changes with age there is no doubt about it. Haven't you noticed that your arm just isn't long enough anymore? It has been found that the risk for macular degeneration, an age related eye condition, increases in those who have a diet with foods that have a high glycemic index. This would be a diet filled with refined carbs. Click here to read more from Natural News.
  • Wondering just how much you will collect from Social Security when you retire? Social Security has just released a new tool to help baby boomers calculate their estimated benefits. I tried it and it is a breeze. Click here to read an article in the Chicago Tribune that will give you all of the details.

Have a great week everyone. Have a thought or comment about one of the topics? Post It!


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