Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday Morning News Just for Us!

Good Morning Ladies,

It feels good to be back in routine. After being away last week, there is a lot of news to catch up on. I hope this past week went well for all of you. I suffered a bit of the post vacations blues, myself, but ended my week on a high note. I had the opportunity to have lunch, yesterday, with an exceptional woman named Dotsie Bregel. Dotsie is the founder of the National Association for Baby Boomer Women and has an incredible website called Boomer Women Speak. She is quite a savvy boomer woman who made the step into the world of business five years ago, with the hopes of making an impact in the lives of boomer women, and she has done a fabulous job. We had never met in person, only via phone and email, but managed to chat away on life, children and business like we had know each other for a long time. Amazing thing about women....when we have something in common and mix it with good food, conversation seems to come so easily. Check out both of her sites and join in the fun and won't be disappointed.

Afterwards, my husband and I did a bit of Christmas shopping. This is a first for me starting so early, but J.C. Penney had so many bargains, I couldn't pass it up!

Now onto what is new in the world of boomers, menopause and night sweats.....

Have a great week!

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