Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cyber Monday

First came "Black Friday" now we have "Cyber Monday." It seems that Monday, November 26th is designated Cyber Monday.....the heaviest day for online shopping. As I mentioned in my previous post, part of my plan to make my holidays less stressful is to do as much of my shopping as I can online. Actually, I started today and I thought I would pass along some of the sites I found. A couple of these are really great for sending gifts to people you may not have the opportunity to see, but want them to know you are thinking about them.

I have it set that so all you have to do is click on the box and you will go right to the site.

Cheryl & Co. Yummy stuff here! Love the pictures. The Popcorn Factory More great eats! I sent 2 today. 10% Off Every year my kids get a new ornament to add to their collection. When they leave to start their own homes, they will have their personal collection for their tree. I found some adorable, personalized ornaments for them here, and at a great price!

I was a shopping fool today, but at least I was able to do it in my pajamas!

Sunday Morning News Just For Us!

Thanksgiving is over and the race is on to find the perfect gifts, decorate, wrap, bake cookies and plan the perfect holiday meal. Some radio stations are playing Christmas music 24/7 and we are inundated with commercial after commercial. You can already feel the mania building. will we squeeze in the responsibilities of daily life without totally losing our minds?

Personally, I plan on trying to keep everything in perspective and find some balance this holiday season. I will try to do as much of my holiday shopping, as possible, online. Why spend the money on gas and fight the crowds? I will elicit the help of my daughter when it comes to decorating and baking.....she loves it, so that is not much of a chore for her. Most importantly, I will TRY to keep in mind what the spirit of the season is really about and not totally lose my mind!

In honor of the impending frenzy, much of this week's news is devoted to managing the stress. Happy reading and stay calm!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. These past few days, as the weather has turned colder and more seasonal, I found myself taking deep breaths and turning my face upward to feel the chilly air blow across my face. There is a certain smell that I associate with this time of year. I can't quite accurately describe it, but I know what it is. It is the signal that winter is coming and the holidays are upon us.

On the actual day, I love the smell that knocks you over when you walk into the house and the aroma of turkey wafts through the air. The gathering of family, usually the same faces and same stories in tow each year, brings a sort of comfort that although some circumstances may have changed during the year, some things stay the same. My parents have passed on, and I have only one brother. This is the one day that we are certain to see each other. Today my son made the trek that so many college students make....he came home for the first time after being away for three months at college. For all of these gifts, I am thankful.

Now, you may be thinking that I am painting a picture of some type of Norman Rockwell scene; believe me it is not. If I allowed myself, I could go on and on about what is not right. However, I choose to focus on these things that I have instead of things I do not. I choose to be grateful for the many gifts I have been given, instead of dwelling on the way it is not.

Tomorrow, as I bid my students goodbye for a long weekend, I am painfully aware that for some of them it will be fraught with tension and unhappiness. (Holidays are good for that sometimes.) Heaven knows that there have been holidays that for one reason or another, were painful for me. I get it, but there is something else I get.....that no matter how dismal our situations may seem, there is always something for which we can be thankful....even if it is just turning our faces upward and feeling the breeze.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday Morning News Just for Us!

Good Morning Ladies,

It feels good to be back in routine. After being away last week, there is a lot of news to catch up on. I hope this past week went well for all of you. I suffered a bit of the post vacations blues, myself, but ended my week on a high note. I had the opportunity to have lunch, yesterday, with an exceptional woman named Dotsie Bregel. Dotsie is the founder of the National Association for Baby Boomer Women and has an incredible website called Boomer Women Speak. She is quite a savvy boomer woman who made the step into the world of business five years ago, with the hopes of making an impact in the lives of boomer women, and she has done a fabulous job. We had never met in person, only via phone and email, but managed to chat away on life, children and business like we had know each other for a long time. Amazing thing about women....when we have something in common and mix it with good food, conversation seems to come so easily. Check out both of her sites and join in the fun and won't be disappointed.

Afterwards, my husband and I did a bit of Christmas shopping. This is a first for me starting so early, but J.C. Penney had so many bargains, I couldn't pass it up!

Now onto what is new in the world of boomers, menopause and night sweats.....

Have a great week!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Do You Feel Guilty?

I was having lunch with two of my female colleagues yesterday and the topic of guilt crept into our conversation. Both of these women, who are well educated and in their mid forties, discussed openly how they felt guilty about something on a pretty regular basis. One even spoke of how she felt guilty about something every day. From small matters such as hating to pack her teenage sons' lunches, to large matters such as not having enough contact with her dysfunctional parents, she feels guilty.

As our conversation continued, some questions began to rise to the surface. Is this a female phenomenon? Do women feel guilty more often than men? Why do we feel guilty about so many things? How do we rid ourselves of these feelings of guilt? Could it be that our guilt is connected to our shedding of traditional roles?

How often do you feel guilty? What sends your guilt-o-meter over the top? And....if you live relatively guilt free, what is your secret?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Some Sedona Pictures

Here are the pictures from one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. What a fabulous vacation!

Sunday Morning News Just for Us!

Greetings Everyone From Beautiful Arizona!!

Because I am away.....actually I am sitting in the Sky Harbor Airport, there will be no Sunday morning news as we usually know it.

I have just spent 4 of the most wonderful days with my husband, in beautiful Sedona. This was my sojourn to the energy vortexes in the hopes of feeling their power and strength. I was not disappointed! Sedona is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The pictures do it no justice. The red rocks are truly a site to behold. Although I am definitely NOT what you would consider a "hiker," I did my share over the past few days with joy!

We stayed a fabulous resort called the Amara......just perfect. I did indulge is a much needed massage. Kudos to my therapist, Kris. When I asked for "deep tissue" she took it seriously! It felt incredible. plane is boarding already. Next post will include some pictures. Have a wonderful week ladies!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday Morning News Just for Us!

Good Morning Everyone,

This was a weekend for me to celebrate. My company celebrated its first birthday! I have made it through the first year of doing business which from what I understand is something to celebrate. It has been a year of the proverbial blood, sweat and tears. However, if I had to do it over again, I would do it in a minute.

Opening Lunar Radiance has done more for me than I ever could have imagined. I have learned much about myself and my capabilities. I have had the opportunity to meet other fabulous boomer women who are taking risks, following their passions and proving that just because our "biological eggs" may not be abundant as they once were, they still have much to offer and possibilities to explore. I have written about this before in my article "Baby Boomer Woman Gives Birth."

I am not alone in my entrepreneurial endeavors. According to SCORE, women represent more than 1/3 of all people involved in entrepreneurial activities. Still not convinced, check out these statistics:
  • Between 1997 and 2002, women-owned firms grew by 19.8 percent while all U.S. firms grew by seven percent (Source: SBA, Office of Advocacy)
  • Women-owned firms accounted for 6.5 percent of total employment in U.S. firms in 2002 and 4.2 percent of total receipts. (Source: SBA, Office of Advocacy)

  • The number of women-owned firms continues to grow at twice the rate of all U.S. firms (23 percent vs. 9 percent). There are an estimated 10 million women-owned, privately-held U.S. businesses. The greatest challenge for women-owned firms is access to capital, credit and equity. Women start businesses on both lifestyle and financial reasons. Many run businesses from home to keep overhead low. (Source: SBA, Office of Advocacy and Business Times, April 2005)

  • Women are more likely to seek business advice—69 percent women vs. 47 percent men. (Source: American Express)

Wow! It is a great time to be a woman. So nurture your ideas, think outside of the box and follow you passions. Who knows what could happen. Now.....onto our news for this week.