Saturday, July 26, 2008

What Would You Do Differently?

How many times have you said or thought "If only I knew then what I know now?" With my impending empty nest, I have been thrown into a bit of reflection. I suppose that this is a common occurence for many baby boomers as they face a change in circumstance.

If you did have the benefit of all of the wordly wisdom you have accumulated over the last 20 or so years, what if anything would you do differently?

**Ditch those painful relationships sooner than you did?
**Choose a different career?
**Foster better relationships with your parents?
**Prepare more for retirement?
**Have more children?
**Get a degree or some form of higher education?
**Save more?
**Spend more?
**Have more fun?
**Move to a different city?
**Get divorced?
**Stay married?

Or....maybe you wouldn't change anything. Maybe we are the wonderful people we are today because we are the sum and total of all of our experiences both good and bad. What do you think?

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Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen,

I would not trade even the hard times, you are right.

Our lives have rivers, mountains, valleys, good weather, bad weather, but it is all ours. Ours to learn from, grow from, laughter and tears.



Eileen said...

That was beautifully put. When I think of it in that way, it is sort of comforting. Our experiences are really one of the only things that we can claim all to ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I believe without the "tests" of life, you will never have a "testimony." I admit I made some stupid mistakes and dumb choices, but I'm glad I made them THEN so I could learn the lesson and move on.

Eileen said...

Learn the lesson and move on!! Yeah.

Claudia Meydrech said...

I do have something that comes to mind from this list, and that is prepare more for retirement, but circumstances of life are always changing, and it's easy to look back and regret, instead, I'm learning to look ahead, and up, to a God who has promised to provide all of our needs.

Eileen said...

Claudia...I hear ya! That and college tuition. As you said, circumstances, in my case divorce, did put a kink in my plans. I agree with you that there is no sense in looking back...only forward with faith.