Saturday, July 19, 2008

How Are Hot Flashes Like Volcanic Eruptions?

It starts deep within the becomes so hot that some of the rocks begin to melt and become a liquid commonly known as magma. The pressure builds and eventually some of the magma forces its way to the surface and presto.....the lava spills and a volcanic erruption occurs!

Why the mini earth science lesson? Well, while trying to describe to my husband what I was feeling on a much more regular basis than ever before, this was the only analogy that I could come up with. "She's gonna blow," is becoming a common refrain in my house. I feel like a volcano!

Some volcanic eruptions are explosive and some are not.....just like my hot flashes. Sometimes I just heat up and become uncomfortable. Some volcanic eruptions can be dangerous and deadly. Ok...I'm not going to die from my hot flashes, but they sure can be dangerous to those who are around me because I may whack them in the head with whatever is in my hands as I begin to fan myself and mop up my personal lava (sweat).

My volcano tends to lie more dormant during the day and really likes to make an appearance at night. (From what I've read, this is not uncommon.) Why do natural wonders seem more spectacular at night? It is at those times that I am ever so grateful for my wicking sleepwear. At least I don't have to get up and change my clothes and sheets when my lava spills.

The good there really good news? Yes! Unlike volcanic eruptions which can periodically rear their ugly heads for hundreds of years, my hot flashes and night sweats, and those of my fellow baby boomer women, will only hang around for a few! It just feels like forever.

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