Thursday, July 31, 2008

Baby Boomer Women...Don't You Love Something For Free?

Don't you just love when you can get something of real value for free? I do! I am so excited to offer to my readers the chance to participate in one of the leading forums and websites for baby boomer women. I am a member and participate in the forums and I love it!

You can receive a FREE membership to the National Association of Baby Boomer Women! The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is the only association devoted to addressing issues concerning 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest, and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.
This is a $75 value!

All you need to do is be one of the first 10 women to order one of our awesome wicking nightgowns or pajama sets, at
Lunar Radiance, in the month of August. That's it!! I will contact Dotsie Bregel, the founder of NABBW and she will take care of the rest!

There are lots of perks to being a member of the NABBW

Two FREE magazines for one year: One year subscription to me* magazine and Grand magazine. me* is for those of us over age 40 who may not be a size two with a picture perfect life! Grand is the premiere magazine for grandparents.

Access to the NABBW Resource Center packed with Tele-Conferences to keep you informed on the latest personal and professional issues pertaining to baby boomer women. You can listen to them live, while online, or print them and read at your convenience.

MEMBER DISCOUNTS on goods and services, including:30% OFF natural skin care and beauty products, 20% off silver jewelry, 15% OFF, 20% DISCOUNTED Web Design by NABBW's Web designer, discounts with the largest cruise retailer, Cruise One.

Total access and participation in the forums at Boomer Women Speak

Click the NABBW Link to Get More Info About the Association Now!

Click Here to Visit Lunar Radiance


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this info

Eileen said...

You are so welcome. Like I said in my post, I have been working and participating for well over a year and I have found it to be invaluable.