Sunday, May 18, 2008

Calling All Empty Nesters

As many of you who regularly visit my blog know, this coming August I will be an official empty nester. This past week, my daughter and I attended one of the many college orientations. The college representatives did their best at providing the parents with tips for helping their college freshmen make the transition into college life, but what about us?

I must admit, I am intrigued by the idea of having a life of my own again. It has been a long time since I have not had daily, hands on responsibility for my children. What will it be like to not have to cook or clean up after someone other than my husband and myself? What will it feel like to not have daily, physical contact with my daughter so that I know she is ok? As a mother, as many of you know, all you need to do is look at your child and you can tell if something is off. Now I will have to resort to a tone of voice or the words in an email to determine if things are on or off course. These questions have been keeping me awake as much as my night sweats did before I found wicking pajamas!

So I am looking to my readers for advice; not just for myself, but for other baby boomers as well, who are moving into the next phase.
  • What should I/we expect over the next few months as we prepare?
  • What did you find helpful as you made the switch from full time parent to part time parent?
  • What was the best part and what was the worst part of becoming an empty nester?
  • If you have already become an empty nester, you are an expert, please share your expertise!

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