Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

With permission of the author, Dr. Sharon, I wanted to share this with you. I love the feeling I got when I read these.

“8 in 2008” We Can Do This!
Sharon D. Allison-Ottey, MD

As we begin the New Year, many of us will make resolutions that we know will be a memory by January 5th. This year, I want us to throw out that foolishness and just commit to "8 for 2008". These are simple things that can change your life forever!

1. I WILL take 15 minutes in the morning just for me. I will take some deep breaths and clear my head without husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, child, parent, or anyone else hanging around.

2. I WILL schedule an appointment with my doctor for a full physical exam and I will be prepared to ask questions.

3. I WILL not let anyone speak negativity into my life. I will stay strong and positive and get rid of anyone that is not supportive of ME!

4. I WILL purpose to do something unexpected and good for someone else at least once month. I will not brag or broadcast my good deeds.

5. I WILL commit to trying my BEST to exercise at least three times a week, with the goal of making this part of my daily life.

6. I WILL commit to trying my BEST to kick my junk food, fried food, sodas, fatty/yummy desserts habit. I will limit myself to two small guilt free splurges a week ONLY if I keep my exercise goals.

7. I WILL spend time each day in prayer and meditation. I will thank God each day for allowing me to still breathe, be in my right mind and for the measure of health that He's given me. I will pray for others and for this world. I will seek Him first as I seek and work for better health and wholeness.

8. No matter what my weight, my physical appearance, my education, my income, my family background, my present state in life; I WILL tell myself each and every day that God loves ME, I love ME and I am wonderfully and phenomenally made! I KNOW that I am a Queen/King and I will walk, talk and be treated like the royalty that I am.

You can email Dr. Sharon at! You can also visit her website and request a FREE personalized calendar with motivation, health tips and much more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THESE--I am going to post these on my wall. Thank you for sharing and I love the website! I will check out Dr. Sharon's website as well.