Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Day After

Ahhh....the cookies have been baked, the presents have been wrapped and unwrapped and the holiday meal has been cooked and consumed. I'm tired! How about you?

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday. Mine was lovely, but exhausting. For the last week my scissors have be on fire cutting paper and my pots and pans have been slamming. So, today I took the day off. I am lucky enough to have off from school for the entire week, so today was a day of total relaxation. I am embarassed to admit, I didn't even get out of my sweats today and I ate two, count'em two pieces of delicious pumpking pie! However, I did check out weight watchers on line and plan on joining on the first of the year.

I love the day after Christmas. I feel satisfied and content. It doesn't have anything to do with the gifts I was fortunate enough to receive; I'm not really sure why. I just really enjoy the aftermath of the hustle and bustle.

What do you do when the holiday is over? Travel? Movies? Any post holiday rituals?

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