Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

With permission of the author, Dr. Sharon, I wanted to share this with you. I love the feeling I got when I read these.

“8 in 2008” We Can Do This!
Sharon D. Allison-Ottey, MD

As we begin the New Year, many of us will make resolutions that we know will be a memory by January 5th. This year, I want us to throw out that foolishness and just commit to "8 for 2008". These are simple things that can change your life forever!

1. I WILL take 15 minutes in the morning just for me. I will take some deep breaths and clear my head without husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, child, parent, or anyone else hanging around.

2. I WILL schedule an appointment with my doctor for a full physical exam and I will be prepared to ask questions.

3. I WILL not let anyone speak negativity into my life. I will stay strong and positive and get rid of anyone that is not supportive of ME!

4. I WILL purpose to do something unexpected and good for someone else at least once month. I will not brag or broadcast my good deeds.

5. I WILL commit to trying my BEST to exercise at least three times a week, with the goal of making this part of my daily life.

6. I WILL commit to trying my BEST to kick my junk food, fried food, sodas, fatty/yummy desserts habit. I will limit myself to two small guilt free splurges a week ONLY if I keep my exercise goals.

7. I WILL spend time each day in prayer and meditation. I will thank God each day for allowing me to still breathe, be in my right mind and for the measure of health that He's given me. I will pray for others and for this world. I will seek Him first as I seek and work for better health and wholeness.

8. No matter what my weight, my physical appearance, my education, my income, my family background, my present state in life; I WILL tell myself each and every day that God loves ME, I love ME and I am wonderfully and phenomenally made! I KNOW that I am a Queen/King and I will walk, talk and be treated like the royalty that I am.

You can email Dr. Sharon at! You can also visit her website and request a FREE personalized calendar with motivation, health tips and much more.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

If You See This Movie, Bring a Box of Tissues

Like many people, I like to see movies during the week between Christmas and New Year's. This past week, I managed to catch two. One was Charlie Wilson's War, which I enjoyed a lot. Actually, I would like to see it again. The other was P.S. I Love You.

P.S. I Love You is totally a "chick flick" (I saw it with two girlfriends and my 17 year old daughter) but it packed quite an emotional punch. It takes you through the first year after the main character, Holly, loses her husband, the love of her young life, to a brain tumor. She is guided through her grief with messages left to her, by her dead husband, and secretly delivered.

The crying starts gradually, and by the end of this two hour movie, which surprisingly offers many opportunities for laughter, you hear open sobs throughout the audience. I did my fair share of weeping and was deeply affected by the portrayed emotions which were not unlike the ones I experienced when I suddenly lost my 38 year old fiance nine years ago. Some of the scenes so strikingly resembled ones I experienced, I shuttered.

I began to think, on my way home, about the universal experience of love and grief, and started to ask myself some questions. Do we ever truly recover from such a tramatic loss, or do we just manage to bury the hurt deep inside so that we can move on with our lives and be happy again? Once you have had a powerful, soulmate connection with someone, can you ever have another?

In need of a little cathartic crying? Go see P.S. I Love You......just remember the tissues!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Day After

Ahhh....the cookies have been baked, the presents have been wrapped and unwrapped and the holiday meal has been cooked and consumed. I'm tired! How about you?

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday. Mine was lovely, but exhausting. For the last week my scissors have be on fire cutting paper and my pots and pans have been slamming. So, today I took the day off. I am lucky enough to have off from school for the entire week, so today was a day of total relaxation. I am embarassed to admit, I didn't even get out of my sweats today and I ate two, count'em two pieces of delicious pumpking pie! However, I did check out weight watchers on line and plan on joining on the first of the year.

I love the day after Christmas. I feel satisfied and content. It doesn't have anything to do with the gifts I was fortunate enough to receive; I'm not really sure why. I just really enjoy the aftermath of the hustle and bustle.

What do you do when the holiday is over? Travel? Movies? Any post holiday rituals?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

It has been a slow news week as far as my usual subjects are concerned, so I thought I would solicit your opinions on a topic that is always debated this time of year. What is more appropriate....."Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays?"

Yesterday, I was watching a Fox News program and caught a bit of a discussion on this topic. Ben Stein was discussing some research that had been done showing that stores that decorated for Christmas, and openly acknowledged the "Christmas Season" were experiencing higher sales volume than stores following a more politically correct tone of "Holiday Season." He also went on to say that it is his belief that it is the Christmas season because December 25th is Christmas Day not Holiday Day.

What do you think? Are you offended when someone says "Merry Christmas?" Do you extend the spirit of the season by wishing people "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays?" Would you be more likely to shop at a store that promotes a holiday theme or a Christmas theme?

Take a minute to weigh in. I would love to know what you think! Have a great week!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Savvy, New Magazine for Boomer Women

I always like to pass along a great find. Check out this new magazine just for boomer women. It is called Girlfriendz: The Thinking Woman's Magazine containing "empowering, enlightening, entertaining and well-researched articles, all written for women 45 to 60." Click Here to find out more!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sunday Morning News Just For Us!

Good Morning Everyone

The pace is picking up and the rush to the gift giving finish line is on! Yikes......I actually had to venture out yesterday into the parking lot jungle. Sometimes it can't be avoided. The good news for retailers is the shopping malls were packed.

While at the mall, my husband and I took the time to do something I haven't done in a long time. I visited Santa! Ok, I didn't actually sit on his lap, but we watched as one by one, sometimes two by two, children made their way up to jolly old St. Nick. I loved it.

The Santa we saw was extremely patient and obviously loved what he does. He talked quietly and the children spoke to him. They stared into his eyes and listened intently sometimes just nodding their heads. Of course, their parents were beaming. It took me back to a long time ago when my children were small, and made me smile and wonder how time has passed so quickly. Visiting Santa and watching made me feel kind of warm and fuzzy.....and no, it wasn't a hot flash! It was just nice to take a break from the hustle of shopping and enjoy the happiness of others.

So, let's see what is interesting this week in the world of baby boomers.

Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sunday Morning News Just For Us

Good Morning Ladies,

We are going to take a bit of a turn this week. Instead of strictly news this week, we are going to take a look at a few articles from some of my favorite boomer websites that are just plain old interesting and fun! There's no theme, just information that is timely for us. I thought I would mix it up a bit this week.
Have a great week. Remember....keep those stress levels down, shop online - don't fight those crowds, do something for yourself and have some fun.