Sunday, April 27, 2008

Transitional Moments

Yesterday my daughter turned 18. My baby will soon graduate from high school and in a short 4 months will be off to college. How did this happen?

When talking about how to celebrate her birthday, I requested that we do something one last time....have a sleepover. When she was young, I used to dread those sleepovers. I was always daunted by the prospects of keeping a gaggle of young girls occupied. This year I wanted it. Initially, my daughter thought it was "corny" but when she ran it by her girlfriends they were all for it.

Last night and this morning I found myself surrounded my 4 amazing young women. They are all bright, focused and full of anticipation of the upcoming events of prom, graduation and college. Three are future science majors and one is an impending children's book illustrator. Every once and a while I would stick my head in an overhear snippets of conversations.....the regular girl stuff and said a quick "thank you" to the universe for blessing me with a daughter who has remained innocent and enjoyed her youth. Neither she nor her friends have been spoiled by ugliness. Their faces are fresh and optimistic.

I graduated from high school 22 years ago, and although it didn't seem it at the time, options were limited. The possibilites available to our daughters seem endless to me, and it thrills me to see them embracing them.

Those of you who visit my blog regularly know of the trepidation I am experiencing over my pending "empty nest." I really wanted this pajama party as much for myself as for my daughter. I knew she would have fun, but I wanted to have one more night to watch the look on her face as she opened gifts, laughed and enjoyed being carefree.

This time, I looked upon the sleepover as one more opportunity for each of us to create a memory as we both prepare to move on, just like we should be.

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