Friday, July 20, 2007

How to Love Exercise When You Really Don't

Ok, I know it is good for me, especially as a baby boomer woman. I know that muscle burns more calories than fat. I know how important it is to keep myself strong and fit. Why is it that I just don't like to exercise?

I hear women talk about how fabulous they feel after a great workout. I have yet to find the "exercise afterglow." I struggle with finding the motivation I need to get myself going. However, those little rolls of fat that are accumulating beneath the backstrap of my bra are definitely sending a message that this is something that needs to be done!

So, after I post this message, I will don my sportsbra, sneakers, shorts and favorite t-shirt, and pop in my newest work out DVD from The Firm (I hate the gym more than exercise) and embark on my next attempt at getting fit.

If you actually enjoy exercise, and have found something that motivates you to keep at it please let me know. What little mind games do you play to keep yourself motivated? What is your favorite way to keep fit?

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