Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bio Identical Hormones - Sotto Pelle Anyone?

I was having a discussion with my female colleagues today regarding my newest menopausal symptoms. Two of them shared that they have begun a course of bioidentical hormones called Sotto Pelle. These two women swear that they have experienced an abundance of relief for various symptoms. I am wondering if any of you have any experience with Sotto Pelle and what is your opinion. Please share...I am sure I am not the only one who will benefit. Thanks ladies!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Is Divorce Ever Equitable?

Let me begin by saying that I am not a divorce lawyer and any experience I have in this arena is strictly personal experience; both my own and experience via observation of my friends, colleagues and acquaintances. That being said, this blog entry may be a bit emotional and yes a bit angry.]
A friend of mine is currently going through a divorce. After 24 years of marriage, her husband found the company of a 25 year old and her small child more appealing than the life he had built with his wife and their two sons. Ok, ok it's the same old song and dance. Most of us have heard this tale more than we care to admit. After a little over a year and a half of pain, humiliation, anger and a host of other emotions, the time has come for the end. Now is the time that their 24 years of marriage is reduced to dollar signs and possessions.

In the state of New Jersey, divorce is all about equitable distribution. The definition of equitable is "characterized by equity or fairness; just and right; fair; reasonable." At her mediation the other day, this 51 year old baby boomer, who has worked diligently in education for the last 27 years, while raising her two sons and contributing more than her "fair share" during the course of her marriage was informed that she would most likely be surrendering between 45 and 50% of her pension to the man whose actions deleted a history just as easily as pushing the delete button on the computer. His employement over the years has not yielded much in the way of pension. Oh yeah, and let's not forget that she will need to sell her house of 20 years too to pay him his share. Call me crazy, but this just doesn't seem "equitable!" Not only has her life past and present been shattered, her future is shattered as well.

It is hard to comfort my friend on her down days. She is hurt, pissed and often afraid. To tell you the truth, I am pissed for her. Is the moral of the story screw whomever you want, literally and figuratively, but it will be OK? How can it be that in 2009 it is still the woman who suffers more financially as a result of divorce? How nice for him to know that his future is secure so that he can begin his new life in peace. That seems "equitable" doesn't it?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

World Menopause Day Means $5 Off Wicking Sleepwear!

HAPPY WORLD MENOPAUSE DAY LADIES!!! World Menopause Day is not a new event. It was started way back in 1984, though it is still relatively unheard of. Started by the International Menopause Society and the World Health Organization, World Menopause Day's original purpose was to bring increased awareness to menopause.

Menopause changes a woman’s quality of life and more importantly puts her at increased risk for osteoporosis, breast cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Let's not forget hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, depression, sleep problems, itchiness and a host of other symptoms that were once thought to be only "in the head" of the transitional woman. It is important to understand the risk factors associated with these conditions and how these conditions can be treated.

This once undiscussed topic has now come into focus and is open for discussion for more and more women with each other, and their physicians as well. Just Google "menopause" and you will find an abundance of websites and information.

In honor of World Menopause Day, Lunar Radiance is offering $5.00 off all wicking sleepwear purchases of $20.00 or more. We are doing our part to help you say "Nightie, night" to night sweats!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Columbus Day - It's Our 14.92% Sale!

You can't open a newspaper or look at your local circulars without finding a ton of Columbus Day weekend specials. Lunar Radiance wants to get in on the fun too!

All day today (Sunday) and tomorrow, all purchases of wicking pajamas and wicking nightgowns will receive a discount of 14.92% on purchases of $39.99 or more. All you need to do is enter promo code COLUMBUS09 at checkout. It's that easy. So pick something new, grab another one of your favorites and be prepared to sleep in cool, dry comfort! Say "Nightie night, night sweats." CLICK HERE now! Spread the word to you baby boomer and menopausal friends!

My Zazzle store NightSweatsDiva, is also having a 14.92% sale. Grab your Halloween goodies at a fabulous price. Adorable tee shirts, goodie bags, mugs, stickers, postage, greeting cards and more!

All Purchases 14.92% Off Thru Monday!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I am always reading about baby boomers, menopause, night sweats and generally all information that pertains to those of us who are living in this transitional period. I came across a plethora of articles, but these three stood out because they resonated with me since I had actually engaged in conversations about these topics this week.

First up deals with depression and menopause. Did you know that the risk for major depression more than doubles while women are going through menopause and afterward? Have you been wondering if it's "just you?" Click here to read more.

Boomers around the country are talking retirement around the water cooler. The baby boomers have three important questions before them: Have they had enough? Do they have enough? Will they have enough to do? What about you? Click here to read more.

I'd like to say I saved the best for last.....NOT! However, I couldn't pass it by. Women who add more fat to their bodies as they approach menopause will have a harder time with hot flashes and night sweats. (thank heavens for wicking sleepwear!) Research is showing that these weight gains, which are often common during menopause, may actually contribute to a worsening of symptoms. Click here to read more.
Do you have a topic or blog of interest that you think is worth sharing? Let me know!