Monday, April 20, 2009

Musings on Self Image - Man vs Woman

Why is it that when men look at themselves in the mirror, and I am talking about men who are lets say....45 and older..... they puff themselves up like peacocks and see themselves as the dashing 30 somethings they once were; yet women zero in on the spreading thighs, thicker middles and sagging breasts? A little gray hair on a man is distinguished. However that same gray on a woman represents a minimum of $65 in a salon, depending on where you live.

I was recently having a conversation with a male and female baby boomer about another couple who had know each other in high school, and recently reconnected and married. This led to a bit of reminiscing about high school relationships. The gentleman in the group smiled at the memory of his one time beloved, then interjected his thought that she probably had put on weight.

Whoa..........buddy. I couldn't let him off the hook for that comment and redirected his attention to the spreading middle he was sporting. His response, as he sucked in and puffed up, "It's a baggy shirt." What a classic.

I don't think this is anything new. For years older men have sought and attained the company of younger women. When the shoe is on the other foot, well....can you spell C-O-U-G-A-R? That's tad bit of a nasty title don't ya think?

How about commercials and advertisements that bombard women daily with potions, lotions and creams to wipe away wrinkles, sags and bags on various parts of our bodies. We buy....I buy. It seems like every day I notice some new sign that aging is upon me. This week it was a few age spots on my once fabulous legs. I wrote the last sentence a commerical for a serum that assists "menopausal skin" just came across my TV screen. The maintenance, both cosmetically and physically is just plain old exhausting.

Life would be so much easier for us baby boomer women if we could just "suck it in" and blame it on a big shirt.


Anonymous said...

I just recently read an advertisement for a perfume that makes you smell "younger". What does a "younger" person smell like??? Do you start to smell bad when you reach a certain age? What an insult to our intelligence! I also think the term "Cougar" is offensive and malicious.

Anonymous said...

"If I ever have sex with a man again, it would be good if he were blind." So says Sugar Kane, the 60ish heroine of this hysterically funny new novel, SUGAR TIME, by Jane Adams. Check it out on