Sunday, March 29, 2009

National Tea Party Day

Momentum is growing and excitement is building.

On April 15, 2009 people will gather across the nation to speak out against leaving a debt our great-grandchildren will be paying for because our leaders will be spending trillions of borrowed dollars; a budget filled with pork and earmarks, plus so much more. You can click here to read more details, volunteer to be an organizer or to find where your nearest tea party can be found.

Everyone in our country is worried. I am a baby boomer who has a child graduating from college in less than two months. What are his job prospects? Will I have to delay retirement? With one child left in college, will there be loan money available so she can finish her education? It doesn't matter what your socioeconomic level is; on one is immune.

Planning on attending and would like to commemorate the event with a button, mug or t-shirt? Double click on any of the items below as they appear in the window!

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