Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday Morning News Just For Us!

You can't turn on the news or read a paper without being innundated with presidential primary news. There is no doubt, this is a history making election with so much at stake. All "hot button" issues are involved....age, race, gender and religion. My guess would be that people choose a candidate who they feel best addresses their needs, concerns and views both in the present and for the future.

I admit, I am a bit of a primary news junkie. I watch it all and I am fascinated as I watch the candidates, both Republican and Democrat, slug it out. I desperately try to filter out the traditional political bashing and find a way to get to the core of what they believe. I am working hard at not becoming cynical and suspicious of the process. So I pose some questions to my fellow boomers:

  • Does a candidate's race play a part in our decision this election season?
  • Does a candidate's gender play a part in our decision this election season?
  • Does a candidate's age play a part in our decision this election season?
  • Does a candidate's religion play a part in our decision this election season?
  • What issues are most important to you?
  • What turns you on about this process?
  • What turns you off about this process?

C'mon Boomers.....Speak Up!

Articles of interest:

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