Monday, June 30, 2008

Keeping Myself Honest and Motivated

In an earlier post, I spoke about an epiphany I had over Mother's Day weekend. I had gone to a wedding and took a look at myself in pictures. Yikes!! Obviously I have been spending way to much time on the computer working my wicking sleepwear business and blogging and forgot that I needed to stay active.

Most baby boomers will agree that as we get older, the weight seems to creep up easier and is more difficult to get off. Gone are the days when we can lose a quick few for a special event. Losing weight, safely, takes time and a committment to a healthier way of life. Activity is key, as is everything in moderation.

I have taken up walking using Leslie Sansone's program. This works for me since I am not a gym person. I like the flexibility I have by working out at home and this walking program is structured just enough and gentle on my knees. Better yet, I am seeing results, and this keeps me going on the days when I really don't feel like exercising.

To keep me honest, I am recording my progress on a sweet little gadget from the ticker factory. crazy am I posting this for all the world to see, at the bottom of my blog.

This past weekend we celebrated my daughter's graduation. Too much cake and party food...but I got right back on the exercise train the next day. I have confessed and my conscience is clear. (Must be my old Catholic school training coming out) The point is we can be fabulous and fifty, but it takes a commitment to activity and healthier choices. Is that really such a hard thing to do?

What's your favorite way to remain a lean, mean boomer machine?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

New Book Release-Worth More Than Rubies

I had to take a minute to toot the horn of a fellow Boomer Diva, Kathie M. Thomas and congratulate her on the launch of her new book!

"Worth More Than Rubies" is all about women who want to be home for their families, while still contributing to the household income. Kathie M. Thomas, a fellow baby boomer has been working at home for over 14 years. In that time she has been able to watch her five daughters grow up while also running a full time business at home. This book will inspire you and give you ideas to return home to work. What you will learn in "Worth More Than Rubies":

  • The value of women working at home and being present for their families.
  • The benefits both children and spouses receive from a mother home fulltime.
  • Cost savings from being at home.
  • Examples of connections you can make outside of the home so you don't feel all alone.
  • A list of 64 different types of businesses that you can operate from home, .. and much much more!

Interested? Click Here to check it out at Amazon!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Go Green and Feel Beautiful

Whenever I come across something that I love, I just have to share it with you. Have you heard of Upurea?

At Upurea, shoppers find the perfect skincare and bodycare for their skin type, organically sensual fragrances, remarkable haircare and styling products, and luxurious scents for the home. All of the products fall within one of three categories: "absolute pure", made with only 100% organic ingredients, "natural", made with the purest, most effective ingredients derived from the Earth; and "natural science", a blend of botanicals combined with non-toxic ingredients. These are definitely "green" beauty products at their finest and the company prides itself on being environmentally sound.

Imagine finishing your day with a relaxing shower or bath, then stepping into your wicking sleepwear. Sounds like the makings for a great night's sleep! To see what it is all about, CLICK HERE!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Turning Desire Into Something More

I am frequently asked how I came up with idea to start my wicking sleepwear business, Lunar Radiance. The basic answer is simple: necessity. I was experiencing night sweats and found wicking pajamas by accident. As my husband and I sat at dinner that night, and my pajamas were still in the bag, we started discussing possibilities. You see, I had always had in the recesses of my mind, the desire to start a business. I always admired people who took an idea and ran with it, and created a business. I guess I had always had an entrepreneurial spirit, but just didn't have a direction.

Once I experienced the relief that was provided with this remarkable product I began to think....hey Eileen, what are your waiting for? Millions of baby boomer women are in the same boat. I had never heard of wicking sleepwear, and I am on the internet all the time; why not spread the word? So, from those simple questions, an obvious need and an innate desire, and hours of tireless research, my journey began.

Do I have a business background? The answer is no. I have been a teacher for 28 years, but I can read, listen and learn. Am I a computer guru? The answer is no. However, I can read, listen and learn. As I began the process I realized that there is a wealth of information, resources and support available as long as you are eager and willing to read, listen and learn and to put in the time.

Now, I am not naive enough to think that just because you have desire every idea can be turned into a lucrative business; there has to be a market. (That's an entire blog entry in itself) The steps in the process of turning an idea into a full fledged business are numerous and at times exhausting, but it can be done and the personal satisfaction is indescribable.

I love this business. I get excited when I get an email from someone who has reaped the benefits of the wicking sleepwear I carry and are finally sleeping better. I am gratified when a woman, who has found some information from my resources page or my newsletter, tells me that she found help or could relate in some way to what I had written. I become energized when I am networking with other baby boomer women who are engaged in thinking and creating. I feel an immense sense of pride when I look at my website. What was once notes and drawings on sheets of paper, is now up and running and evolving, changing and expanding.

It is true.....desire can be turned into something more. What is your passion?